Caia Tribe Gathering

The CAIA academy invites up to 300 people to celebrate life, nature, and the joy of being together with people at the Lebensgarten Steyerberg, one of the oldest eco-villages in Germany.

The ‚CAIA Tribe Gathering‘ represents holistic awareness, community, creativity, sensitivity, authenticity, self-development, presence, appreciation, and sustainability.

Amidst the beautiful flora and fauna of the Lebensgarten Steyerberg with its big permaculture garden, the aim is to collectively embrace the future and experience a new way of being together. Participants are encouraged to express themselves in their unique way, celebrating life, the universe, and the wonders that surround them.

Hosted by CAIA academy, the event provides a playful and light-hearted space to rediscover life in a new yet ancient way. Everyone can shine in their own facet, creating a vibrant collective experience.

The gathering encourages taking a collective breath and experiencing a new form of togetherness, strengthening their shared roots and celebrating the resulting connections. It invites people to join and co-create a new way of coming together.

What to expect at the CAIA Tribe Gathering:

– We celebrate life, the universe, and the wonders that surround us.
– We sing together around the campfire.
– Women connect with their femininity.
– Men connect with their masculinity.
– We come together in a subsequent cacao ceremony.
– We dance in an exhilarating Ecstatic Dance.
– We meditate in silence and with dynamic, lively practices.
– Guided breathwork sessions help us breathe consciously.
– We get crazy to live music until we’re out of breath.
– In yoga sessions, we engage both mind and body, covering everything from Acro to Yin Yoga.
– We connect with each other gently through tantric exercises, empathetically through Thai Massage, and playfully through Contact Improvisation.
– We eat together tasty regional, saisonal, vegan, organic food with vegetables from our permaculture garden.

Learn more about the Caia Gathering!