Nowhere Festival

A Burning Man event. What happens at Nowhere? A lot of things! Basically, what happens and what is there is what you bring with YOU, what YOU want to share. And, what the other participants want to share. This can be an art project, performance project, innovation project, workshop, event, art-car, barrio..

Nowhere Festival is Spain’s answer to Burning Man and is a week of music, art installations and strangeness out in the desert of Northern Spain. Similar to Burning Man, Nowhere Festival is based on the core principles of self-expression, nature, love and self-reliance.

Nowhere is set in an amazing location but conditions can be tough. You can set up your own camp or join a community and you’re responsible for your own cooking, washing, cleaning, and for taking care of the environment. The toilet is essentially a hole in the ground with a nice view.

Learn more about Nowhere Festival!