Midsummer Wilderness Solo

Do you long for alone time in nature and discovering your gifts? Do you feel you are at a crossroads in your life and are in need of transformation?
A wilderness solo is a contemporary translation of the ancient ritual of the vision quest, which was held in all corners of the world. You spend three days and nights by yourself on a fixed spot in the mountains. Impulses and distractions from the outside are limited as much as possible. During this time you will fast and sit with your intention. Before and after these days we will spend time together as a community in base camp to prepare you and to start integrating your experience.
Do you hear the call from the valley and the whisper of the mountain rivers? Then join the Midsummer Wilderness Solo today for a soul journey!



The Midsummer Wilderness Solo organizers say:

“Our solo area is situated in the Catalan Pyrenees. The base camp El Manau, which we have completely to ourselves during the solo, is located several kilometres away from the French village of Nohèdes and sixty kilometres from Perpignan.

According to tradition, this is the spot where Noah went ashore with his arc. This explains the extreme diversity of plants and animals in the region. The shape of the arc stands out in one of the rock tops to this day. There is also a large diversity of solo spots in the landscape; from a possible sit on a mountain top to one under a tree in the valley to one at the side of a clear mountain stream.”

Learn more about the Midsummer Wilderness Solo.