Embodied Dance Festival & Retreat

Contact Improvisation meets Conscious Dance!

EMBODIED DANCE offers you a self-empowering journey through multidisciplinary practises: Contemporary Dance, Conscious Dance, Contact Improvisation & Authentic Communication.

What to expect

inspiring days of movement, embodiment and improvisation practises, enriching your health, your movement skills and your self-embodiment.
experienced teachers who share their authentic way what they love.
time to relax, connect, enjoy being in a heartful community.
empowering, self-connecting practices that encourage answers arising from within.

About the teachers:

Violetta is a dancer, performer, teacher of Contact Improvisation and Contemporary dance. She studied Contact Improvisation and Contemporary Dance in classes and courses with many world famous teachers. Co-organiser of Improvisation evenings “ImproStore”, Moldova Contact + Festival. Inspirer and founder of the dance theater “TTT of JT” and a part of Ukrainian dance community.

Dance is her medicine, her expression, her life.

Felicitas is an actress, dance, yoga, pilates and bodylanguage teacher. She has more than 13 years of performing experience, professionally at Burgtheater and other big stages.

Felicitas will share her passion for showing up, deep body knowledge and the inspiring multilayed 5 Rhythm practise.

Christian is a pioneer in community building, combining dance, embodiment and authentic communication. He started facilitation groups 2008 and is certified as non-violent communication trainer, yoga teacher, dance pedagoge, visionquest guide, group & conflict facilitator.

Christian is an expert in attentive & authentic contact. ALIVE! brings it together.

Learn more about the Embodied Dance Festival!