8 Day 70 HR Yoga As Healing Modality TTC in Mallorca, Spain

If you are interested in deep detoxification, this is for you. The focus is on recharging by cleaning your body with juice and ayurvedic herbs.

The organiser says:

“Staying healthy in today’s world is challenging and modern-day living can often leave us little time to truly focus on our health and well-being.

Pollution, processed foods, living under constant deadlines/stress, and relying on caffeine to wake up and alcohol to relax eventually take their toll on our health.

If you are experiencing fatigue, stress, bloating, stubborn weight gain, brain fog, and poor sleep, these are signs your body is in need of a cleanse.’

Learn more about the 4 Day Luxury Detox, Juicing, Yoga & Weight Loss Retreat on Ibiza.