Contact in Paradise

Contact in Paradise is a contact improvisation festival where you can immerse yourself in a community of creative, joyful dancers exploring paradise together. The festival boasts a lineup of world-class musicians and dance instructors to help you build skills, connect with creatives like yourself, and enjoy a truly transformative experience.

contact improvisation dance

The festival organizers say:

It’s an inspiring playground where I feel awake, alive, connected, and pure.
CI in paradise means to me that it’s a save place where I allow myself to explore beyond what I already know, to grow with friends, to learn more and more and more with lots of joy.”

Paradise. That’s what makes me think of Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained. So something that we may lose again and again, but that we can regain. I guess I’m less interested in the heavenly, otherworldly paradise and more interested in the earthly paradise – the best of all tangible, tangible worlds.

In my eyes, paradise is not a fixed state, but something dynamic that we continuously create through the way we are with each other and in this world.

And what would be suitable to create such a world? Presence; “Authenticity”; encounter in which we can open up (and be free?); To be able to be beings with body, mind and soul and bring in all our vitality.
All these aspects also permeate my offers; I want to live and share that as best I can at every moment.”

“We are wild and tender at the same time. We are awake and yet deeply immersed in each other. we see each other Exactly what is: we in the here and now – perceive with all our senses. connectedness. mindfulness awareness. have space for everything that is there. For the no and for the yes. And lots of delicious food. This is Contact in Paradise.”

Learn more about Contact in Paradise Festival!