Angsbacka Tantra Festival

Angsbacka is a centre for spiritual festivals and events in Sweden and it’s been running since 1996. It hosts the Sexsibility Festival and also this tantra festival. Nice work if you can get it.

The organizers of the tantra festival say:

The theme of Tantra at Ängsbacka is LIFE IS NOW, and we are a big collective who worked all year to welcome you to celebrate life with us.

People of all ages from all corners of the world come to Tantra at Ängsbacka to explore the various tantric techniques that the program has to offer. We offer you a unique melting pot of tantra teachers from all branches and all traditions, from the classic tantra to shamanic sexuality and neo tantra. Here in our beautiful garden, you will meet some of the world’s foremost teachers in person and make many new friends to explore tantra with.”

Learn more about the Angsbacka Tantra Festival!