Sexsibility Festival

Much as Swedes are confused why the rest of the world associates Sweden with sex (a legacy of Swedish cinema which was ahead of its time in showing female nudity and sexual pleasure), the Sexsibility Festival is held in Ängsbacka in Sweden and you might wonder how an entire festival can be designed around sexual expression…but it’s not all about getting laid.

sexsibility festival in sweden

The organisers say:

“We all have the capacity to experience love, trust, inner peace and ecstasy. Sometimes we just need to practice and get some support and inspiration.

We believe that our world would be a better place if more people would access these states of being together. For the 11th year, we are happy to invite you to an intimate week focused on intimacy, sexuality, body and soul, providing us with a deeper experience of life, offers healing to emotional wounds and motivates us to change.

We want to create a better existence together and enjoy while we do it. We believe that to be the best foundation for sustainable development and a more beautiful and harmonious world.”

Learn more about the Sexsibility Festival!