The Green Gathering

The Green Gathering is an alternative festival par excellance powered by alternative energy (wind and sun) and featuring a plethora of alternative culture with acoustic music, workshops, skill sharing, radical cinema and the usual totems of a stone circle and faerie glade.

Yes, there will be people with long beards and flowers in their hair and once you get into the mood you wouldn’t want it any other way.

The festival organisers say:

“The Green Gathering is a showcase of real life, low-impact alternatives. Its focus is education for sustainability, with the emphasis that education should be hands-on and fun. The festival’s philosophy is ‘beyond hedonism’ and we aim to provide an environment where creativity can be applied to ecological and social dilemmas in a tapestry of skill-sharing and entertainment, all powered by wind, sun, people and passion.”

Learn more about The Green Gathering!