Own Spirit Festival

Back when we were young and frying our brains on liquid LSD, trance music was all about the inner journey, turning the dance floor into one big shamanic space and seeing just how far you could push your consciousness.

Not many of us survived, unsurprisingly, and these days trance festivals often seem to blend the repetitive beats with everything New Age. Boom Festival led the way and Own Spirit Festival is starting up near Barcelona with a similar vibe.

The festival organisers say:

Own Spirit is a visionary festival that combines music and psychedelic culture, sense of community, spiritual growth and dance as an expression of being.

At Own Spirit Festival we celebrate life, inviting people of all ages, including families and children, to take part in this process of transformation and gain of mindfulness.

We offer two stages, the Dancefloor and the Temple of Frequencies, where national and international djs from the psytrance scene and psychedelic electronic music will play 24 hours non-stop.”

Learn more about the Own Spirit Festival!