Ozora Psychedelic Festival

Ok, Ozora is a big festival and mostly we’re about small events and gatherings on this site but as long as you don’t think psytrance music should have remained in the 20th century and would rather listen to music that sounds good even when you’re not on drugs, then you might enjoy the acts at Ozora.

But there are also a lot of other cool things going on and some amazing constructions and plenty of interesting people who congregate each year at Ozora.

The festival organisers say:

“The experience of a parallel existence created by our diversely colored dreams and visions of the same pure unblemished space, paradise on earth, our fairy tale. Sweethomeozora. Where our respect and love of each other and all of Mother Earth’s creatures can take root and bloom. A universe of openness and togetherness where we can evolve towards becoming one with cosmic energies, with nature, with consciousness, with wholeness through dance, trance, creation, invention, transformation and peace. Our playground where we learn to share and care, to express and connect, to create and heal, to unify and beautify the world around us and in us.”

Learn more about Ozora Festival!