Ecstatic dance sessions are as easy to find these days as yoga or contact improv and now we're starting to see ecstatic dance festivals become more and more common. ecstatic dance festivals What is ecstatic dance? Essentially it's about dance without any intoxicants, without talking and without any obligatory steps or moves - you just allow yourself to move as your body wants to. Sometimes you might dance with others, sometimes alone, and there's no one watching to judge you on how you choose to express yourself with your dance. Some ecstatic dance festivals begin and end with rituals to open the heart, yadda yadda yadda, while others just let the DJ and/or live musicians do their thing.  

Ecstatic Dance in 2024


Freiburg ecstatic dance festival

Ecstatic Dance Winter Festival

16-18 February 2024 | Freiburg, Germany

Welcome, this winter we will create a heartwarming space full of dance and liveness! Program – Every morning and evening Ecstatic Dance – Yoga – Singing Circles – Cacao Ritual ...


spiritual dance festival barcelona

Spiritual Dance Festival - Conscious Holy Week

28-31 March 2024 | Barcelona, Spain

Yes, going by the video you wouldn’t be judgemental to deduce that they seem to take themselves a little too seriously but if you want to go dancing in the mountains close to Barcelona (we think ...


Ecstatica Festival

13-16 June 2024 | Ecovillage Hainburg, Austria

An ecstatic dance festival held in a ecovillage. The organizers say: “Experience the magic of a 4 day immersive festival. Located in Ecovillage Hainburg on the border of Austria and Slovakia. Ecstat ...

ecstatic dance festival in the black forest in germany

Blackforest Ecstatic Dance Festival

27-30 June 2024 | Near Furtwangen, Germany

Want to go to an ecstatic dance festival in Germany? Head to the Black Forest! The festival organisers say: ‘We are looking forward to getting together for 4 days this summer. 4 days with lots o ...

Embodied Dance Festival & Retreat

28 June-7 July 2024 | Austria

Contact Improvisation meets Conscious Dance! EMBODIED DANCE offers you a self-empowering journey through multidisciplinary practises: Contemporary Dance, Conscious Dance, Contact Improvisation & A ...


ecstatic dance festival in france

SUMMER MOVES – Conscious Dance Festival France

21-27 July 2024 | France

SUMMER MOVES welcomes you to this joyful, nourishing and uplifting festival, to celebrate life in all its forms, with all its challenges. A wild, tender, yummy mix of dance, movement and voice worksho ...

Ecstatic eXperience Festival

24-28 July 2024 | Italy

A Journey through Free Movement, Presence and Connections. An eXperience of Transformation and Growth. The Ecstatic eXperience 2024 is an invitation to celebrate life, to connect with yourself and wit ...


Jam of Arts Festival and Sundance Festival

23 August-3 September 2024 | Greece

Two interesting festivals, one following the other on the beach in Greece 🙂 Jam of Arts Festival 23 – 29 August and Sundance Festival 20 August – 3 September. The festival organisers sa ...

The VemVem Festival

30 August-2 September 2024 | Switzerland

At the VemVem festival you get the chance to dance Brazilian forro surrounded by Swiss Alps. It’s a cute concept even if most Brazilians have never known such temperatures… The festival or ...


ecstatic soul gathering

Ecstatic Soul Gathering

27-29 September 2024 | Portugal

Ecstatic Soul Gathering is an opportunity to make the summer last longer and go deeper into dance.  The organisers say: ‘Get ready for a transcendent experience at the Ecstatic Soul Gathering t ...

Ecstatic Dance Festival

29 September-4 October 2024 | Cyprus

Ecstatic Dance Festival features free-form conscious dance in a family atmosphere. Melt boundaries and expand your creativity with Ecstatic Dance teachers and musicians over 6 enchanting days on the l ...