Single Together 5Rhythms Retreat

A unique 5Rhythms retreat for singles to deepen loving connection with self and others, at the extraordinary eco-hotel Amalurra near Bilbao.

5Rhythms Retreat

As singles, we can sometimes feel disconnected from society. As if there is an imperative to couple up.

And yes, sometimes that is what we want.

But we also want to enjoy holy solitude – silence, self-appreciation, the opportunity to create a rich and rewarding relationship with the one and the whole.

In this workshop, we wish to offer a space for singles to celebrate and move through this status, to practice intimacy alone and with others, to be ecstatically single together.

No prior experience of any kind is necessary, just the desire to dance and to connect.

What does it mean to be SINGLE?

How does one foster a loving relationship with oneself?

How do we connect with others when we are single?

How do we find safe intimacy as a single person?

What do we long for as singles and what are we glad to be free of?

What can we offer as singles?

What are the shapes of love?

We will be exploring all these questions and more.

Check out the discussion tab on our Facebook event for further info or contact Tracy: / +34 636 169 628

Spain dance retreat