Immersiones is a contact improv festival in Spain – the website is in Spanish but the teaching can also be in English and anyway, who needs language to dance CI?
The festival organisers say:
‘Inmersiones was born from the hope of co-creating a meeting between people who love this practice, in which we can immerse ourselves and celebrate through dancing the richness brought by the diversity of origins, approaches/visions, nuances, and forms inherent to it.
Inmersiones was also born from the need to create a space focused on the study of the principles of CI dance that allows us to gain perspective, delve deeper into its technique and foundations, and approach its roots by drawing on the experience of those who were close to its origins. To this end, we have brought together teachers with extensive experience, trusting in the value of their contributions in transmitting, dancing, and reflecting on CI dance today.’
Learn more about the Immersiones Contact Improv Festival!