Conscious Camp

Conscious Camp is a gathering of 200 people in Wales who come together for music, workshops and community vibes.

The festival organizers say:

“This is a magical place where magical things happen.”

“If you have never been before then you are in for a heartwarming, nurturing, healing experience. The connections, the workshops, the music, the river, and all the other people here make it one of Wales’s favourite small gatherings. We limit the number to 200 to keep the connections real and feel like a real Earth family.”

“This is an intoxicant-free festival. This allows people to explore themselves deeper without numbing out what is bubbling under the surface. We have many practitioners and workshop leaders who offer a safe space to purge whatever needs releasing. For others, this is simply a place to connect, sing, dance, and have fun. The choice is yours.”

“Never has it been more important to come together, spread positivity and change doesn’t happen overnight but only by coming together again and again and focusing on the change within ourselves.”

Learn more about the Conscious Camp!