Feel Festival

Feel Festival is a music-focused festival but many other activities like yoga, guided meditations, and art workshops are being offered. They even have a half-pipe for skateboarding! The festival area is surrounded by beautiful beaches so you can always try water sports as well.

The festival organizers say:

“Finally the time has come – after discussing all the details, we can finally announce the long-awaited festival date for 2021. We look forward to welcoming you to Bergheider See from July 15th – 19th 2021 with open arms.

We can’t wait and are looking forward to next year when we can lie in our arms again and hopefully look back on these turbulent times that we have mastered together.

The current situation has shown us all the more how privileged we are to be able to celebrate such a festival together.
So let’s take our chance and come together in 2021 on the topic of Plastic World to make our society a little bit better.

In today’s world, which is too often characterized by hatred, aversion and differences, cause these voices often scream louder than the conciliatory, respectful, we unite and hold something against it – and with determination! We want an open and tolerant society in which all different stories, frameworks and backgrounds not only have a place, but their variety and diversity is seen as a gift. And yes, the world today is more complex than ever, but despite all the superficial differences, we are all first and foremost: human beings.”

Learn more about the Feel Festival!