Aespia Festival (formerly known as Lost Festival)

Dates To Be Announced

Lost Festival looks pretty damn cool. So cool they’ve changed their name to Aespia.

You meet in London and are taken on a bus to a secret forest location where there’s an interactive art extravaganza set up for you to wander all night. You leave your phone at home and plunge in.

LOST Festival from Please do not not touch on Vimeo.

The Aespia organisers say:

“Jump aboard blanked-out coaches, leave your phones at home and escape reality for 24 hours. Get whisked away to Aespia’s secret woods; immerse yourselves in an alternate, creative world.

Aespia is designed and built by a team of emerging artists, architects and musicians; all of whom live in the woods for the month of August, collaborating, dreaming and building a giant three-dimensional canvas for you to explore, adapt and enjoy. Aespia is special because we invite you to become the artists. We provide the materials, atmosphere and backdrop – you make your mark.”

Learn more about Aespia Festival