Dakini festival
For people who actively pursue a life of spiritual elevation through music, dance and yoga – a 5-day event of workshops, lectures and 360 hours of music.
Contact Bucharest Festival
For contact improvisation enthusiasts, Contact Bucharest festival offers a stretched out period dedicated to this passion. From a pre-festival timeslot (masterclasses and lectures) throughout the festival itself (jam sessions, training, practice time, video making classes, performance lab) until the post-festival activities (walks, singing, research space and even more dance workshops) you get to immerse yourself fully in the world of dance. If you have the time to dedicate, you can spend half a month honing your skills and getting in touch with other contact dancers.
Transylvaliens Festival
Forests, hammocks, good music – good people celebrating diversity through music, art & nature, that’s Transylvaliens festival for you. Go check it out!
Awake festival
As they write about themselves, Awake festival is not just concentrating on music, but also celebrating various forms of art and the picturesque outdoors, in a cozy, enchanting, intimate, unique landscape, where everybody is free to express themselves. They have a dress code, called: NEW FUNKY ROYALS, so it’s time to put on some spectacular clothes and enjoy the craze!
Big festivals in Romania
Untold festival
Untold festival is now one of the largest dance music festivals in Europe. Taking place at Cluj-Napoca’s Central Park, enhanced with Romanian fairytale and folk-lore element, the locations and venues ensure that world-renowned artists perform in totally unique surroundings.
Creative fest
Free entrance, cool music, graffiti, extreme sports, urban art and street dance and freestyling – if that all sounds like your thing, Creative fest is the place to be!
More festivals in Romania
If you are still eager to hear more, check out this site to get an overview of great events in Romania.